Sunday, 17 November 2013

Being a good Ally

When a someone is being belittled, ridiculed and verbally harassed you have a choice. Either block it out and ignore it or say something. If you don't know that someone, they are a stranger, as is the harasser, you can walk away or you can step up. There is a very faint boundary between saying something off your own accord and saying something on behalf of someone else. You need to be careful not to say anything that could make the situation worse but you know from your personal moral code that what is happening is wrong and you need to do something.

A few weeks ago I was in a pub with some friends. Over my shoulder I could hear the voice of a man, frustrated and bitter, telling the woman he was with she was worthless. I did not know either of them. In fact this was the only thing that prevented me jumping out of my seat and screaming at him. He was talking to her loud enough for me to hear but not shouting. The woman he was talking to did not say a word. He repeatedly told her what he thought of her, over and over like a mantra, and she didn't say anything.

I don't know if what I did next was beneficial or not but I felt it could only change the mantra, which at this point I was sick of hearing. I walked over to their table, crouched down to eye level with him, (he was holding an electric cigarette like a knife in his grip so I took it off him and laid it gently on the table so he couldn't stab my eye out with it) and began stating in a hushed voice that the topic of his conversation was offending me. I didn't try to suggest that what he was saying was wrong, nor did I assume I knew anything of how the woman he was with felt.

How could I possibly know?

All I did know was that those words are used as weapons to keep people down, and in my mind I may have thought he was being abusive to her, what I said was merely personal.

“People in this room can hear your conversation, what you are saying is offending me and others.”

Stunned and confused, he just waited for me to finish. It felt like I was speaking to him for ages but in actual fact I think it was only a moment. I became the one chanting a mantra.

“What you are saying is offending people in this room, I can't speak on your behalf (I said to the woman) so I won't, but I can speak on behalf of myself and I am offended. Please change the topic of your conversation.”

He finally gathered together some words, “YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!”.

I repeated myself, asking him to just not talk so offensively in public because people can hear him. I stood up, over him, and asked again clearly. I smiled at them both and said thank you, and walked back to my table.

A moment later he started shouting “My life is none of your business.”

“You're right, but I cant close my ears to you when you are speaking offensively and loud” was my retort.

“What do you want? What do you want me to talk about?! YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME!” he said.

“You're right, I'm sorry. Please, continue you're conversation. I'm so sorry, please carry on.” but by this point others in the room had started joining in and agreeing with me so what I said mattered very little.

“You and your little stooges, thinking you're so big with them behind you.”

I can't remember exactly what else was said, some expletives and angry shouts. He got up, as did the woman he was with (who now was smiling at me) and put on their coats to leave. As he left, one of the stooges shouted Fuck off, people clapped and that was that.

I was a tad intoxicated. I almost straight away worried I had said something wrong and how he was right, it isn't my business. Luckily though, the people I sat with that evening were in unison agreement that someone needed to say something. I tried to not undermine the woman in that situation, the voiceless woman (who said three words in the course of the event) who was being told what the man thought of her. The words he used were the words you hear being used in abusive and controlling relationship stories and I was hearing them being used with my own ears.

If I could remember the actual conversation I would better know what exactly the outcome was but I am sure that if nothing had been said I would have regretted it forever.  

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