Monday, 21 October 2013

S/he is a Wo/Man

When writing a piece of text, the author will usually try to put a human perspective in their piece by creating a metaphorical character. No name, no visual description of this person, but as a reader we create these in our minds. We won't necessarily be told where they are from, how old they are or their hobbies but we do appoint an image.

Unless the writing is specifically relating to “Women's issues” or “gender” we will be fed an image of a man. This is not a natural reaction to a nondescript person in a text, this is the reaction of constantly having He/Him/His used as the identifiers.

There are clauses in contracts stating 'anywhere that the identifier is stated as He/Him/His is referring to all people this contract is relating to, male or female' and similar sentences for the same meaning. We, as readers, are expected to understand that this man we are reading about is only a man for the ease of writing, and it does not exclude women, of course. As readers we accept this and read on. There is after all, no choice in the matter. We don't have to read it but if we want to know the concept of what is being written we must accept and ignore the He and, if we wish, imagine a S/he.

If it is just the words He/Him/His in texts we can squint and try to focus on the subject matter, imagining maybe a woman if we wish or someone who is androgynous, but this can be strenuous so we tend to just stick with the image of a man.

When all texts (unless otherwise stated) refer to men, and all these incredible characters we use as examples are men, there is a distinct lack of women's presence. When the audience of literary texts are only imagining a world of men as their focus for discussion, women and their lives are pushed out and excluded from conversation. When a person is automatically removed from a situation due to their body and physical state they are being discriminated against.

Some may be reading this and thinking it can't possibly be as wide spread as what I am saying.

The real problem is that we are so used to it we don't even notice. It is so indoctrinated into our brains through society that it is normal for 'him' to be an example and anything other than 'him' is a deviation from the norm,  therefore women are an 'other' topic. How can it be that women and men are so balanced in population percentage and yet one half takes the whole perspective and the other half takes none?

I am not suggesting we go through all of the published writings for all history and change any 'He' to a 'they' or 's/he' (although I wish we could). I am, however, frustrated that in this day there are still publications referring to Him, and thus we are still living in a 'Man's World'. People who question feminism should try reading and imagine the character as a perfectly gender neutral human. When we can do this I will put down my megaphone (maybe).

Thursday, 10 October 2013


What, may I ask, is a post-feminist?

 I have heard this used a few times. It is said with real gusto as if it is a political stand point, like saying “I’m a human rights activist” or “I’m not going to put up with the severe inequalities in the world anymore!” but what I understand this phrase to mean is actually more like saying “I think I might be in the mood for either a tea or a coffee but I haven’t really given it much thought.”

What I am assuming post-feminist is (and I may be very wrong) is the idea that we are now living in a world so equal between men and women that the concept of feminism is no longer necessary, and that the people saying they are post-feminists were, until quite recently, feminists. I am assuming until quite recently because, as far as I can tell, nothing immensely radical has changed where women and men have, in the past few months/years, become equals. I have been a bit busy getting ready for my studies but I think I might have picked up on something as huge as that.

                                     Front Page News!

 Women are no longer scared to walk home alone after dusk!

All people can wear what ever they want whenever they want without being harassed!

 Toys and Schools encourage all the young to grow up to be amazing and intelligent human beings! 
Statistics show evidence childcare is no longer only a woman’s job but in fact both parents are involved equally! And, on top of that, CHILDCARE IS NOW FREE FOR EVERYONE! So parents have the choice of having a career if they wish!

(This one I am actually looking forward to) Today is the last day The Daily Mirror will have their topless Page 3 models. Bye bye, pointless erection!

 Inter-marital rape is now something that can be proved and IS being punished AND taken seriously!

Men and women have equal representation on TV and all forms of media. This has made the comedy panel shows much more entertaining and the gossip columns much less nasty about women’s private lives.

The chase for men to be hyper-masculine and women to be intoxicatingly feminine has come to an end and everyone can get back to what they actually want to do with their lives.


How giddy I feel when I think about the world without any sexism. I can't even begin to sum up what would change! In twenty years time we will have young adults asking “what’s rape?” and “why did women used to put so much plastic in their bodies?”

I don’t think post-feminists have really paid much attention to what feminism is. Unless I have the concept wrong, of course. It is perfectly possible that a post-feminist is someone who was an activist for equal rights, a strong, political and fabulous ally, who has grown tired of the very constant battle against sexism and has decided to put down the banners, stop shouting the chants and walk quietly home to a peaceful but unequal life. Now that I would understand. It can be tiring being so aware of so much pain brought to the world by society. I would not blame anyone for this if that is, in fact, what it means. I just hope that instead of post-feminist they might choose to say “I’m a feminist on a break for a while to get my strength back, but when I do come back I will be back with a BITE"

Images taken from:
hypermasculine orgasm2 by Joel Ottman,